Unfortunately, this project is under a non-disclosure agreement and I am unable to share my work publicly. If you are interested in learning more about the project, please contact me and I'd be more than happy to discuss with you.

Consolidation of multiple existing products to create a sleek industry-leading tool
My Role and Team Structure

In this project I worked as the primary designer, aided by a UX Manager. We worked closely with VP of Product and a Business Analyst. In the build stage we worked with with a development team. The design phase of this project lasted about 9 months.

AccuReg wanted a makeover of their flagship product to make it more competitive in the marketplace and up to date with current software conventions. Not just a redesign, but a reimagine from the ground up. In the end, the project was so well received that it led to an acquisition of the business by a much larger, global company.

user research
market analysis
strategy & concepts
information architecture
UI design
interaction design
product build

From Brainstorm to Build.

This project began with extensive research and use case development by doing interviews internally and also with some of our top clients to fully understand the roles of our users (whom are hospital staff) and what their day to day work is like. Also we thoroughly observed and documented how the current products were being used and where the points of friction occur. After understanding the needs and priorities of our current users, we brainstormed on solutions. The result:

We needed a platform where users could identify and organize their work, with an added layer of flexibility and customization to meet each user's unique work style. A tool to help teams and individuals optimize their work and productivity.

This intuitively felt like a task manager style application. We did a competitive analysis of the best task manager products on the market, reviewed their strengths and weaknesses, and brainstormed on how we could apply those concepts to our design. Once our approach was defined, lo-res wireframes were shared with the wider team to gain approval of direction. Next, high-fidelity designs were created in tandem with identifying technical considerations. Internal and external feedback was gathered continuously, while iterating on the designs throughout. A prototype was also developed for demonstration purposes as well as technical hand-off.

Acquired by a Fortune 500

Before the project build was done, the company started demoing the prototype to existing and prospective clients, and also at trade shows and conventions. This project was very well received internally and became a gripping entity in talks with clients.

While the buzz grew about the upcoming release, the business was bought by the largest healthcare company in the world. This new product was
a key factor in the acquisition of the company.


Working on this project provided me the opportunity to polish a lot of my skills and learn a few new things. Being that it was to create a product from the ground up, I got a well-rounded experience helping this seed grow from idea to reality.

Research & Interviewing Skills

Prior to starting the design phase, I conducted extensive research, involving more than 20 sessions to interview both internal team members and external clients. This allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the users and their specific healthcare roles, even though I initially had very little knowledge about their world. This learning process equipped me to design effectively for their needs.

Redesigning & Combining Projects

We asses project needs, identified gaps in our current products, and defined our guiding vision. Extensive research revealed an opportunity to consolidate six products into one while offering a new user experience centered on optimizing daily workplace requirements. Combining these products in the redesign required creating a streamlined information architecture for easy user navigation and goal attainment.

Documentation & Web Components

Given the novel design, comprehensive documentation was crucial for precise communication of intentions, encompassing intricate details such as interactions, variations, and states. This became even more critical as the development team needed to learn a new coding language for implementation. Preserving functionality while consolidating multiple products into one was paramount, necessitating extensive gap analysis and rigorous internal and external reviews to prioritize meeting existing client needs before exploring new concepts.


As fun and exciting as this project was, it didn't come without some hurdles. Most of the existing clients who received a demo seemed quite eager to get their hands on it, but we did have some concern about the transition and if all existing functionality would carry over. There were some features from the old UI that would be handled differently in the new. We made sure to thoroughly explain to those who had concerns how their goals could still be accomplished moving forward, and introduced them to some new ways of doing things that could potentially improve their work.


In Steering Committee review, we had trouble getting a few stakeholders on board with the design so that we could begin the build. Despite the vast majority cheering us on, we received a bit of firm pushback with concerns that certain functionality would disappear in the new UI. At this point in time, approval was not received to proceed with the build.


We conducted a thorough gap analysis and held regular meetings to showcased our research findings and clarify aspects of the redesign. Our objective wasn't to impose our perspective as the only correct one, but to emphasize that our decisions were rooted in research and user needs, combined with industry standards and UI functionality expectations.

The majority of people that got a sneak peak at what we were brewing up were enthusiastic about the new UI, although certainly not everyone. After some revisit and re-strategizing, the air was cleared and nerves were calmed. In the end, absolutely everyone was on board and excited about the new direction this redesign would take the company.


After many months of research, design, review, and iteration - this project was finally handed off the the development team. This was done by providing documentation and a spec prototype using Axure. The clear design guidelines and assets I provided ensured that developers had a solid foundation to work from, resulting in faster implementation and fewer design-related bottlenecks. The product is still in the build phase right now, although once it has been completed there are a few KPIs that will be tracked:

Average Resolution Time
Net Collection Rate
Clean Claims Rate
To assess if the new platform is speeding up staff's daily work load
To see if improved UI is helping client collect more money for services
Determining if new platform is helping staff process claims more efficiently
Check out some of my other projects